100 Day Book
Finish an amazing book in 2021.
You have this feeling deep in your gut that your book will be amazing.
People have even told you, “You need to write a book!”
But on top of that, it doesn't help that writing can be incredibly hard. You run into problems like:
You always believed you would someday write a book, but you can't help but worry:
My name is Joe Bunting, and I've written nine books. I've also trained thousands of people on how to write books of their own.
But writing didn't come to me naturally. In fact, I have always struggled to write. In high school, I decided I wanted to become a professional writer, but I couldn't even finish one chapter of a book.
In college, I even studied creative writing, but that just made it harder since I knew how bad my own writing was compared to the writers I loved.
After college, I worked as a journalist and then traveled the world to write, but every time I tried to write a book, I failed miserably.
It went on like this for years.
A Proven Process to FINISH Writing Your Best Book
The 100 Day Book Program also includes these exclusive expert guides and resources to boost your writing process:
That includes everything you need to write your book. BUT what about AFTER you finish your book? These bonuses, available at various package levels, will help you write, edit, and publish your BEST book:
Ready for your second draft? 100 Day Book: Draft 2 includes everything in the original 100 Day Book program, plus these new resources:
Each lesson breaks down a technique, a piece of the writing process, or a common pain point. After going through each lesson (or choosing the lessons that matter most to you), you’ll be able to write with confidence—on both your current and future books.
100 Day Book Orientation
Your Syllabus
Syllabus: Blank Self-Guided Version
Draft Questionnaire
Prep Work
How to Create a Book Plan
Deadline & Consequences
Your Word Count Goal
4 Key Reasons Planning a Novel Speeds Up Your Writing Process
Writing a Book Outline: 5 Essential Sections That Build a Solid Story
Post Your Book Plan
What Should Be Included in Your First Draft?
Important Rules of Memoir Writing
Be a More Productive Writer
Plotter vs. Pantser: When to Plot, When to Pants, and When to Combine Them
10 Writing Hacks to Actually Finish Your Book
Introduction to Point of View
Point of View Definition
The 4 Types of Point of View
Don’t Make This Point of View Mistake
First Person Point of View
Second Person Point of View
Third Person Point of View
Which Point of View Will You Use?
NONFICTION: Introduction
NONFICTION: How I Learned How to Write Nonfiction Books
NONFICTION: What's the Difference: Novels and Memoir vs. Nonfiction
NONFICTION: Where to Start With Nonfiction Structure: Book Proposals
NONFICTION: Building Blocks of Nonfiction Structure
NONFICTION: 5 Types of Nonfiction Books
NONFICTION: How to Structure Nonfiction Chapters: 6 Most Common Structures
Introduction to Characterization
What Is Characterization?
The Strongest Form of Characterization
The Weakest Form of Characterization
Introduction to World Building
When to Show/When to Tell
Stories are Made of Conflict
Introduction to Dialogue
Focus On WHY, Not Just on WHAT Your Characters Are Saying
What Is a Dialogue Tag?
How Often Should You Use Dialogue Tags?
A Critical DON’T For Writing Dialogue
Developing Voice
Introduction to Writing Style
Ending of Stories: How Planning an Ending Will Help You Write Faster
5 Steps to Finishing Your Book by Your Deadline
Learning to Deal With Feedback
How to Prepare to Write Your Second Draft
Plot Treatment: 4 Simple Steps to Plan A Story’s Second Draft
How to Revise a Novel: A Revision List to Edit With Confidence
How to Survive the Second Draft of Your Book
The Essential Guide to Critiquing
How to Apply Writing Feedback (And How to Know What You Can Ignore)
How to Organize Writing Feedback so You Can Rewrite With Confidence
How to Give and Take Better Writing Feedback
How to Write Books With Multiple Perspectives
How to Leverage Point of View to Power Your Story
Sympathetic Character: 10 Writing Techniques That Make Readers Care
How Characters Change in Stories (And How to Write Believable Change)
The Secret for Creating Characters That Readers Want to Root For
World Building Tip: Craft Your Story Setting
6 Ways to Create Conflict and Get Your Protagonist in Trouble
How to Develop Your Plot With Three-Dimensional Conflict
How to Find the Conflict in a Story: Conflict Mapping and Other Writing Tips
Use This Tip to Test if You’re Showing or Telling
Show, Don’t Tell: The Secret to Great Writing with Show and Tell Examples
How to “Show, Don’t Tell” in Writing With Active or Passive Scenes
Dialogue Tags: What Are They and How To Use Them
Realistic Dialogue: 16 Observations Writers Should Know About Real Life Talk
Writing Descriptions: 3 Tips to Strengthen and Enliven Your Story’s Stilted Paragraphs
How to Find the Theme of Your Novel
How to Write a Brilliant Twist Ending
Deadlines for Writers: 3 Easy Steps to Try as Your Deadline Looms
The Ultimate Guide to Beta Readers
This Week
Coach's Message
Why We're Here
FREE PREVIEWDiscussion: Why are you here?
First Chapter Checklist
Assignment: Week 1 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
Writing Success: 3 Easy Steps to Develop Your Writing System
Scene Outline: How to Write Faster by Developing a List of Scenes
Discussion: How is your writing ritual going so far?
Assignment: Week 2 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
Story Arcs: Definitions and Examples of the 6 Shapes of Stories
The 10 Types of Stories and How to Master Them
Discussion: Who would you cast?
Assignment: Week 3 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
What’s Characterization? What a Writer Really Needs to Know
Character Description: 6 Tips from Stephen King’s Memoir
Character Personality: How to Discover Who Your Character Really Is
Discussion: Character motivation
Assignment: Week 4 Progress Report
Week 5 Reevaluation Check In
This Week
Coach's Message
4 Strategies to Make It Through the Dreaded Middle
The Secret to Writing the Middle of Your Story
5 Gripping Ways to Revive Your Story's Messy Middle
Discussion: Conflict
Assignment: Week 5 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
How to Solve Writer’s Block: 5 Simple Steps to Get Back to Your Book
What to Do When Your Protagonist Won’t Play
Writer’s Block: 3 Tips to Keep Writing Even When You’re Discouraged
Discussion: Plot or character?
Assignment: Week 6 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
Writer’s Burnout: 6 Helpful Ways Any Writer Can Use to Overcome Burnout
Discussion: What have you learned?
Assignment: Week 7 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
Why You Should Stop Asking If Your Story Is Good
Discussion: What do you like best?
Assignment: Week 8 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
Discussion: Antagonists
Assignment: Week 9 Progress Report
Week 10 Reevaluation Check In
This Week
Coach's Message
Discussion: Writing weaknesses/strengths
Assignment: Week 10 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
When the Writing Gets Hard
Discussion: Favorite characters
Assignment: Week 11 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
How to Write the Ending of a Novel
Discussion: Theme
Assignment: Week 12 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
How to End a Story: 3 Questions That Will Help You Find the Perfect Ending
Discussion: Prologues/epilogues
Assignment: Week 13 Progress Report
This Week
Coach's Message
Discussion: How are you feeling?
Assignment: Week 14 Progress Report
This Week
Tell Us About Your Book
Deadline Has Passed
Resources and Next Steps
How to Edit a Novel: The Foolproof 9-Step Book Editing Process
What Is Developmental Editing? The Writer’s Guide to Developmental Editing
About This Series
Meghan Tschanz
Callie Sutcliffe
Jeff Goins
Tim Grahl
S.J. Henderson
Jeff Shinabarger
Jeff Elkins
Paul Willis
You might think, no one can write a book in 100 days. And certainly not a good book.
You might even feel like a program like this is just a quick fix. Writing a book should take longer. It's about the experience!
But let me ask you this: When was the last time you spent 100 days completely focused on your writing?
This level of focus can be life-changing. You'll write more than you ever have (plenty for a book). Best of all, you'll feel creatively invigorated and alive.
This is why Stephen King said:
The first draft of a book—even a long one—should take no more than three months, the length of a season.
Writing a book in a short period of time like this gives an energy and focus to your writing.
That's why we believe that 100 days is the perfect length of time to write the first draft of your book.
Yes, your book will need more work afterward, so we'll walk you through the editing process, too.
However, after 100 days, you will have accomplished the most important part: You will have written a book! And that's something to be very proud of.
Daily Lessons: Each day, you’ll get an email with encouragement, writing prompts, quotes from great writers, and video lessons to help you get fresh ideas on how to finish your book and make it as good as it can possibly be.
Weekly Deadlines: Every Friday, you will turn in one chapter of your book, giving you a practical structure to finish your book over the course of the program.
Incentive: If you meet all your deadlines and finish your book, we will give you $100!
Accountability: Each week, we will check-in with you to see if you met your weekly deadline. If you miss a week, we will send you a warning. If you miss 3 weeks, you will miss out on the $100 incentive!
Feedback: You’ll get a year’s worth of access to The Write Practice Pro, our writing community, where you can workshop one chapter per week for the next 12 months.
Everything in the Basic Package
Office Hours with Joe Bunting: Every week, you’ll meet with Joe Bunting and an exclusive group of up to 20 writers for live video chat office hours. Joe will answer your specific writing questions, and you’ll connect with other writers.
This exclusive package is by application only, and will be capped at just 20 writers.
As a shopping cart add-on, you can also get:
Professional Critique on your Book Plan + First Word Count Submission: Getting the first pages of your book right is SO important, especially as you write the rest of your book. That’s why we highly recommend opting into professional feedback on your book plan and your first week of writing. With this upgrade, we’ll team you up with one of the Story Grid certified editors on our team to give feedback on your plan and first writing. This will make the rest of your writing process MUCH easier.
Get all the support you need to write and publish your book in the next year! In our One Year to Publish mastermind group you’ll get the extensive support, encouragement, and accountability to make your passion a reality. Here’s what’s included:
Exclusive monthly mastermind calls with Joe Bunting, your “One Year to Publish” community, and special guests, including agents, editors, and bestselling authors
Two semesters of 100 Day Book to write the first and second drafts of your book
Prominent placement of your published book on the Write Practice website, as well as promotion to the Write Practice community of writers
Optional professional editing on your first 5,000 words and a Story Grid Diagnostic editing package to prepare you for your second draft
Limited to 12 participants
A proven track record of writers finishing their books.
We run three 100 Day courses a year. The spring session starts in February, the summer in May, and the fall in September. However, as soon as you sign up, we’ll guide you through the preparation process, helping you hone your idea and create your book plan.
If you’re in the middle of a book—or even rewriting a previously finished draft—that’s great! You are the perfect person to join this program and get the focus and accountability you need to finish.
Yes! We’ve designed 100 Day Book: Draft 2/Editing Track specifically for writers who are editing their books. You’ll get all the lessons, structure, and accountability of the original 100 Day Book course, plus exclusive content focused on the editing process.
This challenge is available to both fiction AND nonfiction writers. We’ve helped thousands of authors of both fiction and nonfiction finish their books. We would love to help you too!
This course is open to all authors and aspiring authors, whether in the United States, Europe, Australia, India, or elsewhere. If you want to write a book, this course is for you.
We’ve tried to make this program affordable by breaking up the full price of the program ($588) into 12 payments that you pay once a month over 12 months. You can also choose to save 20 percent by paying for the program in full. See the pricing section above for details.
This program begins with 100 days—a 100-day race to finish the first draft of your book—but at the end of those 100 days, your book won’t be ready for publication. You’ll still need to edit (or fine-tune if you've completed the Editing Track) your book and prepare it for publication. That’s where The Write Practice Pro, our workshopping community, comes in. In Pro, you can continue to get feedback on your manuscript for up to a year.
Participants will get $100 back if they complete their book in 100 days and get less than three strikes. The payments will be sent out about a month after the end of the 100 days, or after 5 payments have been completed.